Policies and Documents
Policies are in place to cover all aspects of trust and school life and ensure that we fulfil our statutory duties. We publish our policies on our website to make them easily accessible for everyone in our school communities including parents, carers, volunteers and employees.
Please see below for the policies and procedures which apply across ONE Academy Trust. Policies and procedures that are individual to each school can be accessed from our school websites.
If you want to know our policy on something and you cannot find it listed, or you would like a printed copy of a policy, please contact your school office or the Governance Coordinator, Diane Dakin (Email: d.dakin@oneacademytrust.co.uk)
ONE01 - Safeguarding and Child-Protection Policy - (Model for Schools ) - Sept 2024
See school websites for each school's Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy, which is tailored to reflect each school's context.
ONE20 - Complaints Policy and Procedure
At ONE Academy Trust, we welcome your feedback and suggestions. If you wish to raise a concern or make a complaint about one of our schools, please contact the headteacher of the school concerned either by email, phone or in person. If the headteacher is the subject of the concern or complaint or it is about the multi-academy trust as a whole, you can raise the issue with the CEO or the governance coordinator who will identify an appropriate person to address your concerns. Our aim is always to resolve any issue quickly, effectively and as informally as possible. Our trust Complaints Policy & Procedure explains the process. Please contact us if you would like us to talk through the process with you.
If you have a concern or complaint about any aspect of our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities provision, please contact the Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator (SENCO) of the school in the first instance, who will try to resolve your issue.
Safeguarding concerns should be raised with the school's Designated Safeguarding Lead (see school websites).
ONE29 - Charging & Remissions Policy
More information about the activities or cases where a school will charge pupils’ parents and the circumstances where the school will make an exception on a payment they would normally expect to receive is set out on each school's website.
ONE41 - Attendance Policy (Template for Schools)
ONE58 - Suspensions and Permanent Exclusions Policy
ONE61 - Photography and Use of Children's Images Policy
ONE69 - Child on Child Abuse Policy
ONE81 - Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions
ONE83 - Children with Health Needs Who Cannot Attend School
ONE86 - Code of Conduct for Parents
Each of our schools publishes the following information on their website:
School Uniform: Each of our schools has its own school uniform policy that is published on their website and shared with parents/carers at induction. We intend that the uniform for each of our schools is accessible and affordable for all. Therefore our uniforms make use of commonly available items from different retail sources. Some of our parent groups also offer arrangements for purchasing second-hand school uniforms at different times throughout the year. Please see the school website and/or contact the relevant school for further information.
School Opening Hours: Each of our schools publishes on their website their opening and closing times and the total time this amounts to in a typical week (for example 32.5 hours), including breaks but not after-school activities. The school website will state the official start time of the compulsory school day (morning registration) to the official end of the compulsory school day. Please see the school website and/or contact the relevant school for further information.
Health & Relationships Education
Relationships and Health Education are compulsory for all pupils in primary schools. In ONE Academy Trust (formerly Willows Academy Trust & Believe Academy Trust), Relationships Education and Health Education are taught as part of the wider Personal, Social, Health & Economic (PSHE) curriculum which supports the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our pupils and helps prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
Our PSHE curriculum in each school reflects our Trust ethos that EveryONE Matters, underpinned by the ethos, aims and values of each school. As part of this holistic approach, elements of sex education are also taught as part of the wider curriculum in our primary schools, as set out in each school's curriculum and scheme of work. Each of our schools is responsible for developing its own scheme of work and curriculum content in accordance with the DfE statutory requirements.
If you have any comments on the Relationships and Health Education Policy operating in any of our schools, you are welcome to contact us at any time. We value your thoughts and views.
If you have concerns about content, or wish to exercise your right to withdraw your child from specific aspects of sex education content, please speak to your child’s class teacher or the headteacher.
Remote Learning: Each of our schools has developed an approach to the provision of remote education tailored to the needs of their school, pupils and parents. This information is published on the school website and also communicated to parents and carers using the usual school means of communication (email, parentmail, text etc.). The information provided on each school's website is intended to:
provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education where groups of children are required to remain at home;
explain what to expect when individual pupils are working from home for various reasons such as long-term illness or periods of suspension.
If you have any problems accessing the information you require, please contact the school office of the relevant school (contact details on website) who will be happy to help you with your query.
Behaviour Policy: Each of our schools has its own behaviour policy which reflects their individual approach, tailored to the school. Please see the school website or contact the school for details.
Pupil Premium: Each of our schools publishes a pupil premium strategy statement each year by 31 December which explains how they are spending the funding. Please see the school website or contact the school for details.
PE & Sports Premium: Each of our schools publishes details of how they spend their PE and sport premium funding. This information is updated annually by the end of the summer term. Please see the school website or contact the school for details.
Admissions: Each school operates its own Admissions Policy. Under our Scheme of Delegation, admissions to each school within our Trust are in line with local authority admission policies. Each school’s Admission Policy can be found on the individual school website. See also our separate admissions page on this website for more information.
Links to the following documents are available on the relevant school website:
Latest Ofsted Report
Test, exam and assessment results – Key stage 2 (KS2) (end of primary school results)
A link to the school and college performance measures website and the school’s performance measures page.
A link to the Ofsted Parentview website
ONE02 - Staff Appraisal and Capability Policy and Procedures
ONE04 - Disciplinary Procedure
ONE06 - Sickness Absence Policy
ONE08 - Staff Special Leave Policy
ONE05 - Safer Recruitment Policy
ONE05-01 - Recruitment of Ex-Offenders Policy Statement (part of Safer Recruitment)
ONE09 - Bullying and Harassment Policy
ONE10 - Acceptable Use of IT Policy
ONE17 - Health & Safety Policy
ONE18 - Code of Conduct - Trustees and Governors
ONE19 - Staff Code of Conduct - (July 24)
ONE74 - Staff Grievance Policy
ONE32 - Allegations of Abuse against Staff Policy
ONE07 - Teachers Pay Policy DRAFT v0.7 (June 24)
ONE40 - Flexible Working Policy
ONE45 - Executive and Support Staff Pay Policy DRAFT v0.6 (July 24)
ONE72 - Drugs and Alcohol Policy
ONE Academy Trust (formerly Willows Academy Trust and Believe Academy Trust) is a Multi-Academy Trust. In conjunction with the DfE Academy Trust Handbook, the following documents set out the framework that must be followed by ONE Academy Trust as a condition of their funding agreement and reflecting its status as a company, charity and public body funded by public monies.
Accounting Officer: Graham Boyd (CEO)
Chief Financial Officer: Jake Richardson
Registered Address: Sawley Junior School, Wilmot Street. Long Eaton, Nottingham. NG10 3DQ
Company Registered No. 9093035 (England and Wales)
Our statutory documents, Annual Reports & Accounts are available to download below. Please contact us if you want to see a particular document or want information about our trust and you can't find it here or on the relevant school website.
ONE25 - Scheme of Delegation (July 2024)
ONE13 - Financial Management Policy
ONE35 - Articles of Association
ONE67 - Information published on websites (compliance audit)
ONE75 - Online Safety (including filtering & monitoring)
Audited accounts
Annual Report & Accounts for Year Ending 31 August 2024
Annual Report & Accounts for Year Ending 31 August 2023
Annual Report & Accounts for Year Ending 31 August 2022
Annual Report & Accounts for Year Ending 31 August 2021
Annual Report & Accounts for Year Ending 31 August 2020
Annual Report & Accounts for Year Ending 31 August 2019
Annual Report & Accounts for Year Ending 31 August 2018
Annual Report & Accounts for Year Ending 31 August 2017
Annual Report & Accounts for Year Ending 31 August 2016
Annual Report & Accounts for Year Ending 31 August 2015
MAster Funding Agreement
Master Funding Agreement 2023 - present
Sawley Infants and Nursery School
Deed of Novation of Variation of Supplemental Funding Agreements
Abbey Primary School
Arnbrook Primary School
Derwent Primary School
Southwark Primary School
Gender Pay Reporting
(Reports to be uploaded by April 2025)
Executive Pay
Please see our policies on Data Protection, Requests for Information and our Freedom of Information Scheme which can be viewed or downloaded below. Please see the relevant policy for how to request information. Please contact us if you need any further information.
Data Protection Policy & Privacy Notices
Under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 we are required to inform everyone whose data we hold of the information we hold about them, what we use it for, who we share it with, and for how long we keep it. Each of our privacy notices (also known as a fair processing notice) aims to provide you with this information. If a privacy notice, or any information linked to it is unclear or you would like a hard copy providing, please contact the relevant school office, the headteacher or the governance professional (Diane Dakin) Email: d.dakin@oneacademytrust.co.uk
Our DPO service is provided by an external consultancy, SchoolPro TLC Limited and is contactable via DPO@SchoolPro.uk
In order to keep our privacy notices up-to-date, we may amend them from time to time. When we do, we will revise the date at the bottom of the page. If there are any significant changes in the way we treat your personal information we will contact you and we will place a prominent notice on our website.
Our privacy notice and data protection responsibilities will be explained to parents/carers when your child becomes a pupil at one of our schools and to our staff and volunteers as part of the induction process.
ONE Academy Trust Data Protection Policy
Our Data Protection Policy explains in more detail how we process your information (collection, storage and disposal) as well as how you can request access to your personal data (a subject access request) or request amendment or deletion of your personal data. Please contact us if you require any more information. Please note that whilst every endeavour will be made to respond to requests promptly and within the timescales in force under the UK GDPR, in some cases there may be a slight delay during school shutdown (holiday) periods.
Volunteers, including Governance Roles
Requests for Information
ONE76 - Requests for Information Policy
Freedom of Information Scheme
ONE24 - Freedom of Information Scheme
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides public access to information held by public authorities. The ONE Academy Trust FOI policy and publication scheme sets out what information we make available to the public as part of our activities and how members of the public can request information. ONE Academy Trust is committed to being open and transparent. We aim to publish as much information as possible on our websites but if there is any other information that you require please contact the school or trust registered head office (Sawley Junior School, Wilmot Street, Long Eaton, Nottingham, NG10 3DQ) or email the head office at enquiries@oneacademytrust.co.uk
Requests for information must be submitted in writing and include the requester’s real name, an address (postal or email) for correspondence, and describe the information requested. We will respond to requests within 20 school days (or 60 working days – whichever is shorter).
Where there is a cost of compliance, we will send you a fee notice as soon as possible after we receive you request. We will also advise if an exemption applies or if we need additional time to conduct a public interest test. The time starts when the school receives the request and extra time may be allowed if further clarification is needed from the requester or, if there is a cost of compliance, payment is made.
Please note: It is important to remember that the FOI Act does not cover personal data as this is covered by the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018.
Environmental Information
The Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR's) give the right of access to environmental information. The EIR's are like the Freedom of Information Act 2000 but there are some differences. A request can be verbal or written (electronic or hardcopy).
We will respond to a request within 20 working days. If the request is complex and/or there are many requests from the same person we can extend by a further 20 days and will advise you of the situation. If it is not clear what you are asking for, we will contact you for clarification as soon as possible within the 20 days’ timescale. The ICO provide full guidance on processing requests, including the exceptions.
ONE Academy Trust is a charitable limited company registered in England and Wales.
Name: ONE Academy Trust
Registered address: Sawley Junior School, Wilmot Street, Long Eaton, Derbyshire NG10 3DQ
Contact number: 0115 9733626
Registered company number: 09093035
Nature of Business: Primary Education
The following policies support our governors and trustees in their roles.
Statutory information relating to governance including our Articles of Association, Scheme of Delegation and Terms of Reference can be found in our Finance and Compliance Section here
ONE18 - Code of Conduct for Governors & Trustees
Copies of agendas, minutes and documents considered at meetings: If you would like to obtain a copy of agendas, minutes or documents considered at a meeting please contact the Governance Coordinator Diane Dakin (email: d.dakin@oneacademytrust.co.uk OR telephone 0115 9733626 and leave a message). Please note that confidential items and information cannot be shared and will be redacted before issue.
Paper copies of any documents on this website are available on request. Please contact us at enquiries@oneacademytrust.co.uk or call 0115 9733626. Please let us know if you need this information in another format (e.g. large type) and we will endeavour to meet your needs.