Sawley Junior School

A Headteacher's welcome from Sawley Junior School

On behalf of the Governing Body and staff, I would like to extend a very warm welcome to our school. Sawley Junior School is an academy - part of ONE Academy Trust - which has 8 schools across Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. We have a strong ethos in which we hope all our children will Aspire......Achieve.....Thrive. 

Some of you will know the school well, through having children here currently or previously, or perhaps through being former pupils yourselves! For others the school is new to you, we have therefore included as much information as we can here on our website.

At Sawley Juniors, the environment we provide for your children promotes independence, self-motivation and confidence. Encouraging the children to show care, consideration and respect for others is central to our ethos and we work hard as a staff to keep this aim.

The staff at our school work hard to provide rich, stimulating and accessible learning opportunities for every child. We feel that learning should not only be exciting and rewarding, but also encourage and challenge, so that our children have high aspirations. We work hard to incorporate as many enrichment activities as possible: we are about developing the whole child.

We work hard to foster positive, effective relationships with the parents and families of Sawley Junior School children and with the wider community. We are proud of the care we have taken to ensure that we are an inclusive school, and we try hard to be friendly, positive and open in our approach.

Open any door at Sawley Juniors and you will find busy, happy children who enjoy learning and are proud to share their interest with you, and teachers who encourage children to do their best at all times.

We feel it is very important to work in partnership with parents/carers and we greatly value your support. We welcome new suggestions and ideas and if at any time you have a concern or query, please feel free to contact the school.

We are extremely proud of our school. We hope that this website will help us to share all of the wonderful things that happen here.

Alison Burton


Central to One Academy Trust's approach is a clear vision which is 'lived and breathed' across all of the schools within the MAT. Trust leaders foster a culture of continuous improvement where safeguarding and the quality of education are prioritised to meet the individual needs/context of our settings. The Trust commits to developing a skilled workforce and strive to ensure that all staff feel valued and invested in, creating an ethos where 'Everyone Matters'.
Bernie Skirton Head Teacher of Southwark Primary School