Dovedale Primary School

A Headteacher's welcome from Dovedale Primary School

We are a happy active learning environment, proud of our school and our place in the community. Our children's behaviour reflects their engagement with our diverse curriculum and they all support our values of Respect, Enjoyment, Achievement, Challenge and Health (REACH).

Aiming High Together

Our aspirations for the children at our school are high and we achieve these goals by working together. Our dedicated staff are well supported by parents and governors and we have a thriving PTA. Our children are offered a broad range of enriching activities, offering opportunities such as trips; workshops, residentials and involvement in community events. We actively participate in a range of sporting events and support our children's health both physically and emotionally through a variety of school led programmes including THRIVE and forest schools.

Our vision is:

  • To be recognised for excellence in every area of school life;
  • To have standards of attainment which are in the upper quartile when compared with similar schools and exceeding national averages when compared with all schools;
  • To create an environment and organisation which is fulfilling and fun and values the health, well-being and contributions of all its members.

We aim to provide education of the highest quality which will:

  • Provide challenge to fulfil potential and raise attainment
  • Create effective, independent, lifelong learners
  • Develop confidence, resilience and pride in achievement
  • Encourage responsibility and self-reliance
  • Build a community in which all are valued and treated as individuals
  • Provide a learning environment based on respect, tolerance and friendship.

Please visit our website so that you find more out about our school.

Mrs Sarah Houseman


Central to One Academy Trust's approach is a clear vision which is 'lived and breathed' across all of the schools within the MAT. Trust leaders foster a culture of continuous improvement where safeguarding and the quality of education are prioritised to meet the individual needs/context of our settings. The Trust commits to developing a skilled workforce and strive to ensure that all staff feel valued and invested in, creating an ethos where 'Everyone Matters'.
Bernie Skirton Head Teacher of Southwark Primary School